Why Homeopathy?


Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that is safe, effective and holistic.

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that was discovered in Germany by Samuel Hanhnemann in the early 1800s. It spread across the world and today it’s used regularly by more than 200 million people. It is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. 

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine but can also be used with other healing modalities. When used with other types of medicine, including conventional medicine, it is safe and poses no risk of drugs interacting in a negative way. 


It’s Safe

Homeopathy is a federally recognized form of medicine backed by thousands of research studies, papers and clinical trials. 

Being a natural medicinal form, it causes no side effects and is known to have no-contraindications as well! A mistaken overdose also does not cause any threat to the patient!

It’s Effective

Homeopathy medicines act fast and restore optimal health at the shortest time

  • Homeopathy targets the root cause of the disease, thereby boosting immunity

  • Anyone can go for homeopathy treatment and it is ideal for all the stages of life, including pregnancy

  • An advanced, effective, and gentle system of holistic medicine that has been successfully used for over two hundred years and on every continent.